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This tool was created by the Children’s Rights Litigation Committee of the American Bar Association Litigation Section. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this document including Andrew Cohen, Dir. of Appellate Panel, Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services, Children & Family Law Division; Cathy Krebs, Committee Director, ABA Litigation Section Children’s Rights Litigation Committee; Corey Jacobson and Kylah Clay, Legal Interns, Massachusetts Committee for Public Counsel Services, Children & Family Law Division; and DLA Piper LLP (US).  Special thanks to Heidi Redlich Epstein, JD, MSW, Director of Kinship Policy and Director of State Projects, ABA Center on Children and the Law and her legal and social work interns for their assistance with the research summaries and input.

Information is up to date as of January 2022.  To share information to be added to this tool or to provide feedback, please  email Cathy Krebs.

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