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    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition

    By Cecil C Kuhne III

    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition

    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition

    By Cecil C Kuhne III

    Convincing the Judge advises litigators on what judges like and do not like and how to deal with the judge throughout the entire litigation process.

    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition

    By Cecil C Kuhne

    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition

    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition

    By Cecil C Kuhne

    Convincing the Judge advises litigators on what judges like and do not like and how to deal with the judge throughout the entire litigation process.

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    A Litigator's Guide to Convincing the Judge, Second Edition, will prepare practitioners to present their best arguments to judges in the most efficient way possible. Litigators typically work with complex legal and factual situations that must be explained to a busy judge who has limited time to devote to the resolution of issues, no matter how interesting or important. This makes it even more imperative that the litigator approach this task with a great deal of planning.

    Convincing the Judge distills the advice of judges to practitioners appearing in their courtrooms and provides practical advice on case management, all phases of trial, and appeals. It also explains the judicial role and suggests tips for dealing with a difficult judge. This new edition features several expanded chapters; new appendices containing the ethical rules pertaining to relations with the judiciary as well as two model briefs; a new epilogue; and apposite quotations throughout from the great jurist Oliver Wendell Holmes.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



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    Publication Date

    11/8/2019 12:00:00 AM


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Publication Date

    11/8/2019 12:00:00 AM

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