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    The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition

    By Lawrence A Frolik

    The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition

    The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition

    By Lawrence A Frolik

    A comprehensive description of the manner in which the law regulates and reacts to healthcare and personal decision making for the elderly. Readers will find answers to questions about important and complex healthcare subjects, outlining legal issues and the doctrines that are at play.

    The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition

    By Lawrence A Frolik

    The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition

    The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition

    By Lawrence A Frolik

    A comprehensive description of the manner in which the law regulates and reacts to healthcare and personal decision making for the elderly. Readers will find answers to questions about important and complex healthcare subjects, outlining legal issues and the doctrines that are at play.
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    More than ever, Americans and their attorneys are concerned about their healthcare and the consequences of healthcare decision making for individuals of diminished capacity. In particular, older individuals need counseling and guidance about healthcare decisions that arise at the end of life. The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition provides a comprehensive description of the manner in which the law regulates and reacts to healthcare and personal decision making for the elderly. Readers of this book will find answers to their questions about healthcare decision making. And for those difficult questions that have no answers, this book will outline the legal issues and the doctrines that are at play. The goal of the book is to help the reader understand the complex law that governs healthcare decision making.

    There have been significant case law developments and innumerable statutory changes since the original edition was issued over a decade ago. Accordingly, throughout this Second Edition, case law and statutory descriptions have been updated. All chapters have been revised and expanded, including discussions on:

    • Paying for Healthcare
    • Long-Term Care Housing Options
    • Paying for Long-Term Care
    • Mental Incapacity Legal Implications: Guardianship, Conservatorship, and Powers of Attorney
    • End of Life Decision Making

    Whether you need an explanation of the intricacies of Medicare and Medicaid, alternatives to guardianship, or healthcare decision making for an incapacitated person, The Law of Later-Life Healthcare and Decision Making, Second Edition offers perspective and guidance in making difficult decisions.

    Author Lawrence A. Frolik is a national expert on the legal issues of older Americans. One of the founders of the practice of Elder Law, he has authored numerous books and scholarly articles on elder law issues. He has lectured frequently nationally and internationally on elder law and, in particular, on the health and medical care issues of the elderly. Professor Frolik is the John E. Murray Faculty Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh School of Law, an academic fellow of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel, a member of the Special Needs Alliance, and a member of the Certified Advanced Practitioners of the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys. In 1995, he was appointed as a Congressional Delegate to the White House Conference on Aging. He currently serves as a Pennsylvania Supreme Court-appointed member of the Pennsylvania Council on Elder Justice in the Courts. Professor Frolik received his BA from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and his JD, LLM from Harvard Law School.

    Product Details


    Senior Lawyers Division


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    6 x 9 paperback

    Publication Date

    12/11/2017 12:00:00 AM


    Senior Lawyers Division


    ABA Book Publishing



    UPC Code


    Page Count


    Product Code


    Publication Date

    12/11/2017 12:00:00 AM

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