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    Chasing Paper: The Keys to Learning About and Loving Discovery

    By Janet S Kole

    Chasing Paper: The Keys to Learning About and Loving Discovery

    Chasing Paper: The Keys to Learning About and Loving Discovery

    By Janet S Kole

    Veteran litigator Janet Kole offers an insightful, humorous, and practical approach to paper discovery, suggesting that it can appeal to young lawyers on several levels so it is less arduous, more satisfying, and more productive.

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    Veteran litigator Janet Kole offers an insightful, humorous, and practical approach to paper discovery, suggesting that it can appeal to young lawyers on several levels so it is less arduous, more satisfying, and more productive.

    Paper discovery is about much more than slogging through endless boxes of documents and creating “great billables.” Effective discovery can reveal the weaknesses in an opponent’s case and expose the weaknesses in your own client’s case. Yet most associates approach document work with little enthusiasm or curiosity.

    Chasing Paper reshapes negative attitudes about paper discovery, and offers concrete, practical tips on all aspects of paper discovery, including:

    • What to ask for in a document request
    • How to respond to document requests
    • How to review document requests
    • How to use the documents
    It is a rare case that proceeds on testimony alone. The ability to home in on the best documents for your client's case is as important as the overarching strategy. Change the way you view--and do--paper discovery.

    Product Details


    ABA Book Publishing



    Page Count


    Product Code


    Trim Size

    5x7 Paperback

    Publication Date

    2/9/2009 12:00:00 AM

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