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Tax Committee Listservs: How to Join & Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Committee Listserv? 

The Tax Section has 36 committees. Tax Section Members can join an unlimited number of committees at no extra cost, and every committee has a listserv. This listerve is a committee email list, similar to any other listserv you may be part of already. Each committee Listserv has an associated email address - something like [email protected] - which can be found on the Committee webpage*.
*Please note: you have to be logged in to your My ABA account and a Section member to view the committee email address. You must also be a member of the committee to send a message to the committee listserv, otherwise the message will be rejected. Find out how to manage your committee memberships here.

When a committee member sends a message to the committee listserv email address, the message is sent as an email to every member of the committee.* If another committee member replies to the email, that reply will also go to the entire group. As with any other listserv you may be on, try to only reply to the listserv email address if you are sharing something relevant to the entire committee membership. Emails can include attachments (max 5MB) and links.

Here are some common examples of uses of the listservs:

  • A committee Chair sends a message to the listserv about the committee's upcoming panels at a Tax Section Meeting.
  • A committee member has a practice question for their peers in the committee, ex. "Does anyone know an Exempt Organizations lawyer in the Dallas metro area?" or "Question about Section 355." The committee member sends an email to the committee listserv and other committee members reply with helpful suggestions.

If you have further questions about joining or using a committee listserv, want to unsubscribe from a committee listserv you are already subscribed to, or are having trouble with listserv, read on or contact the Tax Section Staff listed below.

* Except those committee members who have unsubscribed from the listserv.

How Do I Join a Listserv?

To join a committee listserv, all you need to do is join the committee. For example, if a user wants to join the Transfer Pricing listserv, that person would simply join the Transfer Pricing Committee and will be automatically added as a member of the listserv. 
Please Note: after joining a committee, there can be a delay of up to 12 hours before you are added to the listserv. 

Tax Section Members can join an unlimited number of Tax Committees at no extra cost - we have 36 in all - and joining committees is easy to do. Committee membership is a great way to get involved as a member, connect with, and learn more from peers in your practice area..

If you are not yet a Section Member, get involved today. You can learn more about the benefits of Section Membership here.

How Do I Leave a Listserv? 

To leave a listserv, simply leave the committee. The instructions to do so are available here.

Above: Video demonstrating how to update your My ABA email address in under a minute.

How Do I Update My Email Address?

Changed your email address or started a new job? Updating your email address is easy in your My ABA account. Watch the short video above or follow these instructions:

  • Click Log In in the upper right of this website.
  • Log in to your My ABA account. If you do not remember your email address or password, click Need Help Logging In? and follow the instructions.
  • Once you are logged in, click 'Hi Your Name' in the upper right corner of the screen then click Profile.
  • Scroll down to Email Address(es), click Edit, update the field with your new email address, and click Save.
  • You can then send and receive committee listserv messages at your new email address. This will also be your email address to login to your My ABA account.

I am Not Receiving Listserv Messages 

If you are no longer receiving messages from a committee listserv and believe you should be, follow the steps below. If these steps do not resolve the issue, contact the Tax Section staff listed below.

  • Check to make sure you are a member of the committee
  • Check your Spam or Junk folder. Even if you have received messages in the past, updates to your email server's spam filter may result in valid messages going to spam. If you find a listserv message in your spam folder, drag it back to the Inbox or ask your IT department for assistance.

Summary & Listserv Tips

  • To participate in a committee listserv you must first join the committee. Learn how to join a committee here.
  • To join a committee you must be a Tax Section Member. Tax Section Members can join an unlimited number of committees, and receive discounts on CLE meetings, webinars, books and publications. Learn more about the benefits of Section Membership and join here.
  • To find the email address for a committee listserv, visit our committees page and click the name of the committee. Scroll down to find the listserv email address. You must be signed in & a Section Member for the email address to display.
  • Listserv messages can include links and attachments (max 5MB).
  • On a high volume listserv and want to unclutter your inbox? Follow these instructions to automatically send listserv messages to a specific folder or ask your IT department for help:

Have a Question or Need Assistance? Contact Staff

If you have questions contact staff at the email addresses below and we will respond as soon as possible! Thank you for being a valued Member of the Tax Section.