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February 26, 2020 People in Tax Podcast

Alex Parker, Roberta Mann, William Schmidt, Caroline Ciraolo, Eric Solomon, Beverly Winstead, and Travis Thompson

Alex Parker

In S02E08, James Creech and Alex Parker discuss learning to become a trade news journalist, notable news stories, using social media to supplement broaden perspectives, and advice on how to become a trade news journalist. Listen here.

Roberta Mann

In S02E09, James Creech and Roberta Mann discuss identifying students with interest in tax law, improving tax policy, getting involved in the Tax Section, and the Law Student Tax Challenge. Listen here.

William Schmidt

In S02E10, James Creech and William Schmidt discuss helping the public navigate tax law, the challenges of low-income tax clinic work, and advice to starting a career in tax law and social justice. Listen here.

Caroline Ciraolo

In S02E11, James Creech and Caroline Ciraolo discuss working at a tax controversies law firm, involvement in the Tax Section, and the Department of Justice Swiss Bank Program. Listen here.

In S02E12, they discuss nationwide coordination of tax issues by the DOJ Tax Division, working in government, mentoring, and work-life balance. Listen here.

Eric Solomon

In S02E13, James Creech and Eric Solomon discuss identifying tax law as a career, work for the IRS and the Treasury Department, and the government’s handling of the 2008 financial crisis. Listen here.

In S02E14, they discuss managing the Treasury Department’s Office of Tax Policy, the ABA Tax Section’s important role in the tax system, and the need for the Tax Section to evolve to address future needs. Listen here.

Beverly Winstead

In S02E15, James Creech and Beverly Winstead discuss cross-cultural lawyering, economic empowerment, the importance of mentoring, and getting involved in the ABA Tax Section. Listen here.

Travis Thompson

In S02E16, James Creech and Travis Thompson discuss getting into tax through a summer associate position, expanding a career through attending Tax Meetings and organizing panels, and the advent of the use of artificial intelligence in tax enforcement and practice. Listen here.