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August 24, 2020 Section News & Announcements

The Tax Lawyer—Summer 2020 Issue Available Now

The Summer 2020 issue of The Tax Lawyer, the nation’s premier, peer-reviewed tax law journal, is available now. The Tax Lawyer is published quarterly as a service to members of the Tax Section.

Summer 2020 Issue (Click here to read or download the complete issue.)


Leslie Book and Marilyn Ames, The Morass of the Anti-Injunction Act: A Review of the Cases and Major Issues

Bridget J. Crawford and Jonathan G. Blattmachr, Basis and Bargain Sales: Income Tax and Other Concerns

Heather M. Field, Tax MACs: A Study of M&A Termination Rights Triggered by Material Adverse Changes in Tax Law

Steven J. Willis, Naked Stripping for Alimony and Child-Support Tax Benefits


Index to Volume 73