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August 24, 2020 Section News & Announcements

Support the Section’s Public Service Efforts with a Contribution to the TAPS Endowment

Through the Tax Assistance Public Service (TAPS) endowment fund, the Section of Taxation provides stable, long-term funding for its tax-related public service programs. The TAPS endowment fund primarily supports the Christine A. Brunswick Public Service Fellowship program, which provides two-year fellowships for recent law school graduates to work for non-profit organizations offering tax-related legal assistance to underserved communities.

In its four-year existence, the TAPS endowment fund has supported 18 fellows.  Not only have the fellows produced impressive results, but many have secured positions in the field of low-income tax assistance and continue to serve low-income communities and train a new generation of law students to provide these services. Other fellows have clerked for judges of the U.S. Tax Court who value their experiences working with underserved taxpayers and their perspectives gained from their first-hand involvement in low-income tax issues. Fellows who practice tax law in other settings such as major law firms and the government, continue to contribute to the Tax Section by remaining active in pro bono initiatives, speaking on panels, leading committees, drafting comments, and mentoring fellows and other new lawyers. This program has been incredibly successful both in serving taxpayers who otherwise might not have representation, making systemic change in local communities and in providing a springboard to careers in low-income tax services.

Consider giving to the TAPS endowment fund today. Your generous support will help ensure that the Section can continue its mission to provide legal assistance to those in need.

For more information on how to get involved in tax pro bono assistance, please see our website or contact Meg Newman at [email protected]