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August 24, 2020 Section Events & Promotions

Sponsorship Opportunities


ABA Section of Taxation Sponsorship Provides Invaluable Returns.

ABA Section of Taxation Meetings are the premier venues for tax practitioners and government guests to connect on the latest developments in tax law and practice. Section Meetings draw up to 2,000 tax practitioners from across the U.S. and internationally. With over 150 panel discussions presented over two days by the country’s leading tax attorneys, government officials, and policy makers, Section Meetings are your opportunity to maximize your organization’s visibility and build relationships with key figures in the world of tax law.

The Section of Taxation is the largest, most prestigious group of tax lawyers in the country, serving nearly 16,000 members and the public at large.

  • Over 10,000 Section members are in private practice
  • 1,100 members are in-house counsel
  • 32% of meeting attendees represent government
  • 25% come from firms of over 100 attorneys
  • 23% come from firms of 1-20 attorneys

With most of our 2020 in-person meetings canceled due to COVID-19 we are also offering opportunities to sponsor upcoming webinars. For additional information on webinar sponsorships, or any of our other conferences, please visit or contact our Sponsorship Team at [email protected] or at 202/662-8670.