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February 21, 2019 Sponsor Acknowledgements

Thomson Reuters | Publishing Sponsor

Adapt to a changing business tax landscape.

Tax law is alive. It is constantly changing, growing and evolving. That’s why it’s not enough to just keep up with these shifts. Today’s demands require immediate, actionable research that breathes life into continually morphing regulations. But what if you could get the whole picture of a tax research question in one place? And what if you could use that knowledge to open up a new world of revenue opportunities?

See the clarity, color and context you need to fully understand each business tax issue and take action with award-winning Thomson Reuters Checkpoint Catalyst.

“We’ll look at a transaction or a question that a tax payer or a client has, and we find ourselves branching out into other new areas because of Checkpoint Catalyst.”
    — Kym Anderson, CPA, CVA, CGMA, Director, Jones & Company

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Thomson Reuters Checkpoint Catalyst