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January 02, 2017

Jennifer M. Bragar Joins Tomasi Salyer Martin

Section Council Member Jennifer M. Bragar of Portland, Oregon, has joined the firm of Tomasi Salyer Martin as an owner effective November 1, 2016. Tomasi Salyer Martin has expanded its real estate services with the addition of Jennifer’s land use, real estate, environmental, and municipal law practice. The TSM team now offers an exceptional woman to advise on

  • complex land use and environmental permitting matters;
  • real estate transactions;
  • multi-agency administrative reviews; and
  • drafting and negotiating financial documents.

Water Law and Natural Resources Attorney Janet Neuman, Senior Counsel at Tonkon Torp LLP, commented:

I have had the privilege of working as co-counsel with Jennifer on several challenging matters, and I have nothing but the highest praise for her work ethic, her persistence, her thoroughness, her integrity, and her client service. She is incredibly responsive and reliable—not just to our mutual clients, but to co-counsel, opposing counsel, and government agencies. She also has the required focus, patience, and expertise for dealing with intricate land use matters.