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Commission on Homelessness & Poverty

The Commission is committed to educating the bar and the public about homelessness and poverty and how the legal community and advocates can assist those in need.

Grants Pass v. Johnson

Combatting Poverty and Decriminalizing Homelessness Through A Race Equity Lens

The Commission on Homelessness and Poverty's resource clearinghouse.

Racial Equity in the Justice System

The ABA's central clearinghouse of ABA-related information and resources for attorneys, the legal profession and the public on a wealth of issues addressing bias, racism and prejudice in the justice system and society.

About Us

Learn more about the Commission on Homelessness and Poverty, housed within the ABA Center for Public Interest Law.

Support the Commission's Work

Your gift will educate the bar and the public about homelessness and poverty and how the legal community and advocates can assist those in need. Make your charitable gift to the ABA Commission on Homelessness & Poverty online today!

Join Us

We welcome you to join us. Lawyers working in government or legal/public service not-for-profit organizations engaged primarily in legal- or policy-based advocacy for low income persons qualify for reduced dues as members of the American Bar Association.