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Building the Plane as We Fly It—Lessons from Start-Up Parent Interdisciplinary Representation Offices

National Conference on Parent Representation

April 7, 2022
  • AnnaLisa Chung, JD, Dependency Advocacy Center (moderator)
  • Shannon Burns, JD, Office of the Public Advocate, AZ
  • Shantrell Charles, DSW, LMSW, Foster Care Advocacy Center
  • Gwendolyn Clegg, JD, Legal Aid Services of Oklahoma, Inc.
  • Hon. Doris Fransein (ret), Tulsa County
  • Tara Grigg Green, JD, MPP, Foster Care Advocacy Center
  • Jennifer Patterson, BS, Office of the Public Advocate contract SW, AZ

This workshop addresses the challenges of building a new interdisciplinary parent representation law office. In addition to identifying critical pieces needed to successfully launch a new program, presenters from Oklahoma, Texas, and Arizona answer questions from the audience and share helpful lessons learned about capturing buy-in, funding, recruitment, and creating an organizational infrastructure to sustain a thriving practice long term. 

Session Materials