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Session G4

COVID TRACK: Court Transformation or More of the Same? What Covid Means for the Future of Remote Hearings, Party Participation, Due Process, Case Delays, Stipulations, and ASFA Timelines

Legal Response to Covid-19 (Presentation Slides)

Legal Response to Covid-19 Select Survey Findings

Virtual (Remote) Hearings in Child Welfare Cases: Perspectives from the Field

Davidson County Juvenile Court’s Plan for Re-Opening Court

Davidson County Juvenile Detention Center Pandemic Plan

In re Covid-19 Pandemic - Order modifying and partially lifting suspension of in-person court proceedings

Tennessee Governor's Executive Order to Reduce Spread of Covid-19

In re Covid-19 Pandemic - Order extending state of emergency and reinstating suspension of in-person court proceedings

Kansas Administrative Order Imposing Statewide Judiciary Restricted Operations Due to Covid-19 Emergency