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Session G1

How America’s Hidden Foster Care System Hurts Children and Families

America's Hidden Foster System – How It Hurts Children and Families (PowerPoint Presentation)

Harms of Hidden Foster Care

America's Hidden Foster Care System

How to Identify Hidden Foster Care

Martinis, Manhattans, and Maltreatment Investigations: When Safety Plans Are a False Choice and What  Procedural Protections Parents Are Due 

Shadow Removals: How Safety Plans Allow CPS to Avoid Judicial Oversight

Addressing Hidden Foster Care: The Human Impact and Ideas for Solutions

Civil Rights Litigation: What to Look for If Your Client Wants to Sue

Strategies to Employ in Dependency/Juvenile Cases with a History of Hidden Foster Care

Letter to Ayshia Shomberg, Associate Commissioner, Children's Bureau Regarding Hidden Foster Care

Legal Representation Information Memorandum

Kinship Diversion Links

Texas Safety Plan Form

House Bill 2680 - Child Safety Placement Procedures

K.H. v District of Columbia Amended Complaint

Hogan v. Cherokee County