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2022 Access to Justice Conference Materials

Session Materials:

Tuesday April 5

Session A, 11 am - 12:30 pm

  1. Keeping Families Together: Improving Outcomes for Relative Caregivers
  2. Away From Home: Eliminating the Unnecessary Use of Institutions in Foster Care and Placing Foster Youth with Their SOUL Family
  3. FIRST Legal Clinic: A Medical Legal Partnership
  4. Measuring Hearing Quality: Tools for Attorneys and Courts
  5. COVID & RACE EQUITY TRACKS: Plenary Session  How Do We Begin to Tackle the Real and Difficult Problems Confronting Child Welfare with an Open Mind? 

Session B, 2 - 3:30 pm

  1. Engaging Those with Lived Experience as Partners and Collaborators 
  2. Who Decides the Best Interest of a Tribal Child and What Should be Considered?
  3. Improving Educational Outcomes for Foster Children with Disabilities: What Dependency Attorneys Need to Know About Special Education
  4. DISCUSSION GROUP: The Motivating Factors of Attorneys Who Represent Parents and Children in Dependency, Neglect, and Abuse Cases
  5. COVID & RACE EQUITY TRACKS: Joint Session Let’s Get Grounded: Recognizing Triggers and Self-Care While Doing This Work

Session C,  3:45 - 5:15 pm

  1. Applying Procedural Justice to Elevate Client Voices and Narratives
  2. Working with Immigrant Families Involved in the Child Welfare System 
  3.  System Improvement through Legal and Judicial Involvement in Federal Reviews 
  4. COVID TRACK: Taking the Good from the Bad
  5. RACE EQUITY TRACK: What Are We Talking About? A Historical Understanding of Child Welfare and Race  

Wednesday, April 6

Session D,  8:45 - 10:15 am

  1. Creating a Trauma Informed and Inclusive Courtroom
  2. Successful School Reintegration Following Time in a Congregate Care Facility: Disrupting the School-to-Prison Pipeline
  3. Alliances that Win: Strategic Advocacy by Children’s and Parents’ Attorneys
  4. COVID TRACK: Things We Lost During the Pandemic (Part One) - Safety & Permanency 
  5. RACE EQUITY TRACK: Getting Past “I Can’t Do This! Expecting Me to End Racism in the Child Welfare System is Ludicrous”

Session E, 10:30 am - 12 pm

  1. Ethical Issues in Child Welfare Cases 
  2. Promising Practices and Effective Representation of Kin  
  3. Creating a Holistic Court Response to Domestic Violence Cases by Cultivating Professional Relationships
  4. DISCUSSION GROUP: Integrating Youth Lived Experience in Direct Practice & Advocacy 
  5. COVID & RACE EQUITY TRACKS: Joint Session - “Without Data You Are Just Another Person with An Opinion”  

Session F, 1:45 - 3:15 PM

  1. Looking Beyond What We Currently Have: Parents’ Vision for Family Justice and Well-Being
  2. Trauma-Informed Advocacy to Prevent Misdiagnosis and Inappropriate Use of Psychiatric Medication and to Promote Healing
  3. Ensuring Equity and Access to Justice for Youth in Care through Multi-Tiered, Subject-Matter Advocacy
  4. COVID TRACK: Things We Lost during the Pandemic (Part Two) - Well-Being
  5. RACE EQUITY TRACK: Tell Me It’s Racism without Saying Racism

Session G, 3:30 - 5 pm

  1. How America’s Hidden Foster Care System Hurts Children and Families 
  2. Breaking the Cycle: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Reducing System Involvement
  3. Creating and Sustaining a Multidisciplinary Law Office
  4. COVID TRACK: Court Transformation or More of the Same? What Covid Means for the Future of Remote Hearings, Party Participation, Due Process, Case Delays, Stipulations, and ASFA Timelines
  5. RACE EQUITY TRACK: You Are Not Alone – How to Do Race Equity Work by Building Collaborations