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Center on Children and the Law

Who We Are

The Center promotes access to justice for children and families. Our team of attorneys and core staff work on a diverse portfolio of national, regional and local projects in the children's law field throughout the country. Center projects are unified by two complementary goals: improving legal representation and improving the legal systems that impact children and families.

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Center for Pro Bono

We provide technical assistance and planning advice to a wide range of constituents in the field, including bar associations, pro bono programs, legal services offices, bar leaders, law schools, corporate counsel, judges and government attorneys.

Standing Committee on Pro Bono & Public Service

Our mission is to ensure access to justice through the expansion and enhancement of the delivery of legal and other law-related services to the underserved through volunteer efforts of legal professionals nationwide.

Commission on Domestic and Sexual Violence

Our mission is to increase access to justice for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking by mobilizing the legal profession.

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Commission on Homelessness and Poverty

Who We Are

The Commission is committed to educating the bar and the public about homelessness and poverty and the ways in which the legal community and advocates can assist those in need.

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Commission on Immigration

The Commission directs the Association’s efforts to ensure fair treatment and full due process rights for immigrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees within the United States.

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Commission on Law and Aging

Changing lives through research, education and advocacy.

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Death Penalty Representation Project

The Death Penalty Representation Project is the Association’s expert on issues related to the defense effort in death penalty cases. Since 1986 its singular focus has been to improve the quality and availability of legal representation for persons facing possible death sentences.

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Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress

About Us

Established in 1932 as the Standing Committee on the Facilities of the Law Library of Congress, with a name change in 1993 to the Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress, the Standing Committee serves as the Association’s connection to and voice of the legal profession concerning the continued development and effective operation of the Law Library of Congress.

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