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September 09, 2019



Mediation gives people a quick, inexpensive way to work out their differences while addressing everyone’s needs and interests. Decisions reached in mediation are created by the people who are in conflict, not imposed on them by a judge. Mediation:

  • encourages direct communication between the parties
  • helps people decide for themselves
  • allows for the expression of emotions
  • defuses anger
  • explores creative means of solving problems
  • promotes cooperation
  • preserves the strengths of an ongoing relationship
  • helps people accept the consequences of their own decisions
  • develops a model for resolution of future conflicts

Click on the links below for more information on this particular subject area. Main subject areas for the "How Courts Work" section are linked at the bottom of these pages.

What Is Mediation?

What Is the Relationship between Mediation and the Law?

What Are the Advantages to Mediation?

What Are the Processes Involved?

In What Cases Might Mediation Be Used?

How Can I Choose a Mediator?

How Courts Work Home | Courts and Legal Procedure | Steps in a Trial
The Human Side of Being a Judge | Mediation