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June 06, 2024

Standing Committee on Gavel Awards

All Gavel Award entries are first reviewed by an approximately 50-person screening committee. Screeners include lawyers, judges, journalists, scholars, and other volunteers.  The Standing Committee on Gavel Awards is comprised of presidentially-appointed ABA members, and includes lawyers, journalists, and other members of the media. They convene annually to evaluate entries and select winners.

Maryam Ahranjani
Albuquerque, NM 

Lynn Allingham
Anchorage, AK

Ruth Bahe-Jachna
Chicago, IL

Tijana Brien
Palo Alto, CA

Gabrielle Buckley
Chicago, IL

Vickie Coe
Lake City, MI

Louise Dempsey
Cleveland, OH

Crista Hogan
Springfield, MO
Sumbal Mahmud
Medina, MN

Irene Oria
Miami, FL

Richard Pena
Austin, TX

Edward Rubin
Nashville, TN

Steven Schwinn
Chicago, IL

Josef Ventulan
Baton Rouge, LA
Stephen J. Wermiel
Washington, DC


Thomas G. Wilkinson, Jr.
Philadelphia, PA

Tiffany Middleton
Manager, Education Programs & Research
ABA Division for Public Education
321 N. Clark Street
Chicago, IL 60654
P: (312) 988-5739
Email: [email protected]

Members of the ABA Standing Committee on Gavel Awards are prohibited from judging entries in which they have personal, professional, or financial involvement. As soon as a Member becomes aware of such a conflict, the Member must notify the Ethics Office at the ABA or voluntary rescues themselves from the decision-making process.