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The House in 140-seconds

Watch this short video to learn more about the House of Delegates, the policy-making body of the ABA.


Rules and information regarding reimbursement for members of the House of Delegates (runtime 3:01)

Engaging with Resolutions

How to learn about and engage with the resolutions being considered by the House of Delegates (runtime 8:20)

Obtaining Speaking Privileges

Rules and information regarding how to speak when the House of Delegates is debating a resolution (runtime 6:31)

Common Motions

Motions which are typically encountered during a meeting of the House of Delegates (runtime 4:14)

Frequently Asked Questions

Information on House of Delegates meetings when it comes to registration, attendance, and reimbursement (runtime 6:05)

Five Things You Should Know

Information on how long the House of Delegates meets, how to find information on resolutions, how to register for meetings, where to sit during meetings of the House, and how to understand the agenda (runtime 6:51)


Information on the state and specialty caucuses which meet prior to the House of Delegates (runtime 3:32)

Committee Guide

Information on the standing and special committees of the House of Delegates (runtime 5:56)

Pomp And Circumstance

The traditions and ceremonial aspects of a House of Delegates Meeting (runtime 7:02)

Structure of the ABA

Information on the relationships between the House of Delegates, the Board of Governors, and the Sections, Divisions, and Forums (runtime 4:13)