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Conference Program


International Lawyering for the U.S. Government in an Age of Smart Power

The Honorable Harold Koh

Legitimacy and Constraint in Reformed Military Commissions

Brigadier General Mark S. Martins

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Lunch Keynote Address

The Honorable Jane Holl Lute

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Panel I

Executive Update on Developments in National Security Law

Moderator: Harvey Rishikof; Discussants: Robert S. Litt, Stephen W. Preston, Lisa Monaco, Jeh C. Johnson and Ivan K. Fong

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Panel II

Congressional Update on Developments in National Security Law

Moderator: Peter Raven-Hansen; Discussants: Michael Allen, Paul M. Lewis, Nick Rossi and Andrew Keller

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Panel III

Kosovo, Libya and Presidential War Powers for Multilateral Humanitarian Interventions

Moderator: William M. Treanor; Discussants: Oona A. Hathaway, Martin S. Lederman, David M. Golove and Robert F. Turner

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Panel IV

Use of Force Decisions of the International Court of Justice: Triumph or Tragedy?

Moderator: The Honorable Edwin D. Williamson; Discussants: Michael J. Matheson, Sean D. Murphy, John Norton Moore and Paul Reichler

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Panel V

The Uniform Code of Military Justice: Does it Work in War as Well as in Peace?

Moderator: Scott L. Silliman; Discussants: Maj. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap, Jr., Lt. Col. Katherine E. Oler, Lt. Col. Daniel M. Froehlich and Maj. E. John Gregory

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Panel VI

Public but Classified: “A System Awash in Open Secrets”?

Moderator: Viet D. Dinh; Discussants: Mary B. DeRosa, Eliana Davidson, Barton Gellman and Steven Aftergood

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Panel VII

Ethical Dilemmas Facing Lawyers Practicing National Security Law (Government and Private Practice)

Moderator: James E. McPherson; Discussants:William M. Treanor and Thomas D. Morgan

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