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April 17, 2024


State WINGS are ongoing court-stakeholder partnerships that drive changes affecting guardianship policy and practice through planning and action. 


Building on an existing Alabama Interagency Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse, the Alabama Administrative Office of Courts will establish a WINGS partnership to address issues such as lack of training for guardians and guardians ad litem, lack of persons willing to serve as guardians, inadequate use of limited guardianship, and need for data systems tracking cases.  Contact John Craft  and  Bob Maddox.


Building on an Elder Task Force created in 2014 by the former Chief Justice, the Alaska Supreme Court will establish a WINGS partnership to address issues such as need for improved monitoring, data collection, and education of guardians and conservators. Stacey Marz or Lisa Wawrzonek.

District of Columbia

WINGS was convened by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in August 2015, and developed three work groups on training, public education and guardianship improvement.  Contact Carlene Rostant-Freeman.


Seeking to coordinate efforts of many existing entities addressing guardianship issues, including a work group established by the Chief Justice, the Florida Supreme Court will conduct an issues survey, convene stakeholders, and draw from the experience and findings of the Florida Commission on Access to Civil Justice. Florida WINGS is now convened by the Stetson University College of Law.  Contact Rebecca Morgan and Judge Jose Rodriguez.


Building on an existing interdisciplinary judicial Guardianship and Conservatorship Committee, the Supreme Court will evaluate and expand the Committee’s efforts as a WINGS, focusing especially on court monitoring and supported decision-making. Contact Taunya Jones


The Indiana WINGS and Adult Guardianship State Task Force (IAGST) merged in 2015 as a multidisciplinary group of key Indiana stakeholders and advocates that examines the public policy, legal, and service delivery issues and needs related to adult guardianship and less restrictive decision making supports in our state.  The group also supports the development and provision of community-based volunteer advocate adult guardianship services.  Contact Kristen LaEace and Nick Parker.


State legislation in 2018 recommended that the Cabinet for Health and Family Services and the Administrative Office of the Courts create a pilot WINGS. Contact Karen Waugh.  


The Guardianship/Vulnerable Adults Workgroup of the Maryland Judicial Council’s Domestic Law Committee is working to implement its twenty-five recommendations for improving guardianship practices statewide.  This multidisciplinary group also monitors emerging issues that affect individuals under guardianship and other vulnerable adults. Contact Nisa C. Subasinghe.


The Massachusetts Guardianship Policy Institute began in 2015, and has convened four statewide Colloquia bringing together the network of guardianship stakeholders. Wynn Gerhard.


The Minnesota Judicial Branch convened WINGS in September 2015, following a priority-setting survey.  In 2016, ACL awarded Minnesota funds to, among other activities, strengthen WINGS . Anita Raymond or Jamie Majerus.


WINGS grew out of a broadly inclusive task force convened by the Missouri Developmental Disabilities Council. It has worked on a revision of the state guardianship code. Contact David English and  Emily Hartley


State legislation in Montana in 2017 created and funded a WINGS consisting of nine members appointed by the chief justice of the state Supreme Court. Contact To Be Determined.


The Nebraska Supreme Court Commission on Guardianships and Conservatorships engages in continuing analysis and study of statutes, court rules, and court procedures relating to guardianships and conservatorships; examines the challenges these laws and procedures pose for court staff, the judiciary, the practicing bar, vulnerable adults and children and their legal guardians and conservators, and other professionals and service providers working with protected persons and wards; proposes solutions or improvements both within and without the judicial branch in response to such challenges; and supports the implementation of the recommendations of the Commission which the Nebraska Supreme Court approves. Sheryl Connolly.  


On August 2, 2017, the Supreme Court of Nevada created a permanent Guardianship Commission to address issues of concern to those person who are subject to guardianship statutes and to develop uniform guardianship rules and forms.  There are 20 members on the Commission ranging from community advocates, attorneys and judges. Justice James Hardesty chairs the Commission.
Contact Kate McCloskey  and Diane Robinson.

New Mexico

Contact Patricia Galindo and DeAnza Valencia

New York

The New York Unified Court System, Office of Court Administration, convened a WINGS Summit in March 2014. Contact Michele Gartner or Jean Callahan

North Carolina

The state’s Rethinking Guardianship: Building a Case for Less Restrictive Alternatives initiative grew out of a grant awarded to the Division of Aging and Adult Services by the North Carolina Council on Developmental Disabilities.  The Jordan Institute for Families within the School of Social Work at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill is facilitating the stakeholder group.  Contact Linda Kendall Fields and Cheryl Walfall-Flag 


The Ohio Interdisciplinary Guardianship Committee is a permanent subcommittee of the state Supreme Court. Contact David Edelblute and Kyana Pierson.


Contact Barbara Gwinn.  


Oregon WINGS convened in August 2013 following a statewide priority-setting survey, and developed work groups on training; support services for family, lay and prospective guardians; and protected persons systems advocacy and access. In 2017, the Oregon Judicial Department launched an ACL Project WINGS (see above). Contact Angela Keffer.


The Office of Elder Justice in the Courts  is the WINGS-ish group for PA. Among other things, the OEJC supports a network of elder justice (including guardianship) stakeholders – the Advisory Council. Contact Cherstin Hamel or Keith Hinkel.


The Texas Office of Court Administration convened WINGS in November 2013, following a statewide priority-setting survey. It reports to the Texas Supreme Court’s Elder Law Task Force. It created work groups on alternatives to guardianship, support for lay guardians, and person-centered assessments. Currently inactive. Contact David Slayton.


With the experience of the Utah WINGS launched in 2013, the Administrative Office of the Courts will reinforce and stabilize the earlier efforts.  Additionally, Utah WINGS will serve as a “Focus WINGS” with intensive, targeted strategies addressing use of limited guardianship, and court oversight to reduce guardian abuse, neglect and exploitation. ; Shonna Thomas.


The Virginia Supreme Court convened WINGS in November 2016, and created four working groups on data, resources, monitoring and training.  Contact Norma Gates.

Washington (currently inactive) 

West Virginia

Legal Aid organized a broad-based Roundtable focused on adult guardianship reform. Contact Jennifer Taylor and Shawna White.      


WINGS was convened by the Chief Justice in May 2015.  Contact Jessica Trudell and Alice Page


WINGS was convened in April 2013 by the Utah Administrative Office of the Courts.  (see Utah ACL listing above)

This web page is supported, in part, by a grant No. 90EJIG0007-01-00  from the Administration for Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS). Grantees carrying out projects under government sponsorship are encouraged to express freely their findings and conclusions. Therefore, points of view or opinions do not necessarily represent official Administration for Community Living or DHHS policy.