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Resolutions 516 and 517 Passed at 2023 Annual Meeting

The Judicial Division brought two resolutions from this Committee before the ABA House of Delegates at the 2023 Annual Meeting. Both resolutions were passed by the House and are available below.

ABA Guidelines for the Appointment and Use of Special Masters in Federal and State Civil Litigation

Adopted at the 2019 ABA Midyear Meeting, these guidelines are designed to assist courts and stakeholders in judicial proceedings with the latest thinking on how special masters can be a more useful tool for their judicial administration.

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Why We Became the Court-Appointed Neutrals Committee

Previously named the Special Masters Committee, the Court-Appointed Neutrals Committee believes this term better serves the Committee’s efforts to broaden our thinking about neutrals. Despite the positive ways in which “master” has been used in this context, its negative connotations conflict with the goals our Committee is trying to achieve. “Court-Appointed Neutral” much better describes what we are urging courts and litigants to consider and accommodates the fact that jurisdictions use different terms for this function.

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If you are a member of the Lawyers Conference and have an interest in the work of the Court-Appointed Neutrals Committee, we invite you to join us.

Court-Appointed Neutrals Resources to Aid in the Pandemic

A Brainstorming Session: Using Special Masters to Help Courts Deal with the Challenges of the Pandemic

Judges and ADR professionals conduct a virtual roundtable to discuss how court needs might be met through using court-appointed neutrals. This program is creative, interactive and practical.

Program - Details