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The Justice and Rule of Law Award

This prestigious Award was established by the American Bar Association to recognize those dedicated to the improvement of the administration of justice.

Award Criteria

The Award may be presented to any individual or organization who has made a positive national impact on the justice system and preserving the rule of law. Nominees may be a judge, non-lawyer, lawyer, or organization. Eligibility is open to any individual or group responsible for extraordinary improvement to the administration of justice and preserving the rule of law in the categories of: Judicial Independence, Justice System Reform, and/or Public Awareness about the Justice System and the Rule of Law.

Nomination - Form

Thank You to Thomson Reuters

Thank you to Thomson Reuters for their generous contribution to the Justice & Rule of Law Award

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Past Recipients

Previous recipients of the Award include a U.S. Supreme Court Justice, a former U.S. Senator, and other governmental, educational, and administrative leaders who have made noteworthy positive changes in their respective spheres of the justice system.