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May 04, 2023

Part 3: Healthcare ADR Benefits, Issues, and Hot Topics

This member benefit webinar is composed of three one-hour segments designed to inform young lawyers and others interested in dispute resolution.  This webinar will cover the “basics” of healthcare mediation and arbitration, the services provided by the major healthcare dispute resolution organizations and the dispute resolution training each makes available; and a discussion of how healthcare DR works in practice.  This webinar series is designed for young lawyers aspiring to be neutrals, “novices” in dispute resolution who wish to hone their skills, and other neutrals who wish to further develop their skills and expand their practices. 

In Healthcare DR in the Trenches, practitioners will assess the use of DR across the diverse healthcare space, including both traditional legal disputes and other conflicts in the healthcare delivery system.  These conflicts include issues raised by vocal constituents who have a stake in community health issues; clinicians about the appropriateness and quality of care, including in-hospital dispute resolution; clinicians and managers over financial and administrative matters; providers and patients over medical procedures, service access and discharge from a hospital and subsequent placement; insurance coverage; and on the policy level, between funders, providers and recipients over the access to, quality of care, and end of life decisions.  Experienced DR practitioners will discuss these issues and provide the benefit of their experience as neutrals in healthcare DR.  

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