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April 11, 2023

Part 2: Healthcare ADR Providers, Services and Training

This member benefit webinar is composed of three one-hour segments designed to inform young lawyers and others interested in dispute resolution.  This webinar will cover the “basics” of healthcare mediation and arbitration, the services provided by the major healthcare dispute resolution organizations and the dispute resolution training each makes available; and a discussion of how healthcare DR works in practice.  This webinar series is designed for young lawyers aspiring to be neutrals, “novices” in dispute resolution who wish to hone their skills, and other neutrals who wish to further develop their skills and expand their practices. 

Representatives of healthcare DR organizations will describe their programs and services provided, training programs each makes available for aspiring, beginner, and experienced neutrals, and provide practical suggestions on how to be selected as a mediator or arbitrator by their organization.  Presenters will focus on credentials required for selection, approaches to being selected as a neutral will be described, including increased focus on diversity, and the process(es) developed for selection.  In addition, training programs available through each organization will be described, including how training can increase the skills of all neutrals, including new arbitrators and mediators and the most seasoned practitioners.  

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