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Nuts & Bolts for the Federal No Surprise Act

Thursday, December 9, 2021 - 2:00 PM ET | 1:00 PM CT

Three health care counsel and dispute resolution professionals engage in a discussion, moderated by the head of the AAA’s health care neutral panel, of ongoing developments in surprise health care billing. The panel will address the sources of surprise billing, legislative responses (including newly enacted federal legislation to take effect next year), strategies to protect both patients and providers, and what role alternative dispute resolution is playing - and could play - in this arena. The panel will update attendees on trends, in-state programs, and the new federal legislation, for which regulations are expected later in 2021 before the federal surprise billing law becomes effective in 2022.

Moderated by Michelle Skipper of the American Arbitration Association 

Emily Wey,
Wey West Dispute Resolution LLC
Deborah Hylton, Hylton ADR Services, LLC
Arthur Peabody, Arthur E. Peabody, Jr., PLLC

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