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A Framework for Interviewing Attorney Candidates



Type of Info Gleaned from Candidates



1 minute


Introduce self/office.




Give agenda of interview.

Break the ice and establish rapport

2-3 minutes

How they present themselves

Find common ground, if possible. Comment on nonacademic aspect of resume. Set tone of interview.

Gather information

20-35 minutes

How they make decisions

Cover factors influencing school/job choices. Why govt/public sector? Why this office, and why this position?



Skills and experience

Explore experience. Discuss role in work/specific assignments.



Personality traits

Delve into strengths/weaknesses and preferences.




Discuss way in which education and career decisions were made. How did candidate analyze information to make choices?




Explore leadership roles (elected and selected by peers), honors and awards and views on leadership skills.



Interest in the position

Discern level of enthusiasm, attitude toward interviewer, and quality of responses and questions about the position.



Plans for the future

Discuss way in which this position will fit in with ultimate goals.

Interviewee Questions

7-8 minutes

Level of preparation

Listen for concerns, understanding of the position; assess level of candidate's preparation/knowledge of office.


2 minutes


Discuss next steps and timeline.

Source: Marcia Pennington Shannon & Susan G. Manch, Recruiting Lawyers: How to Hire the Best Talent, 67 (2d. ed. 2015).

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