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February 26, 2019


In a profession where we are under constant stress, it’s sometimes hard to get a breather. People let themselves become overwhelmed and agitated without seeking repose, which is not healthy. You need to make time for YOU. That’s where meditation comes in and your body will thank you tremendously for it! Follow these tips to achieve a peaceful and calm meditation. So put down your smartphone and let’s get to it!

  • Breathe: Take five minutes to stop everything and focus on your breathing. Close your eyes to help calm your body and take five deep breaths in your nostrils and breathe out of your mouth. Don’t think about any deadlines you have coming up or appointments you think you’ll be late too; just take a moment to breathe.
  • Focus: After taking your deep breaths focus on your body and what you’re feeling. Are your muscles tense? Are you feeling any tension? Take one more deep breath and focus on something simple, like a calm ocean or raindrops outside your window. Block out all outside distractions and focus on you.
  • Feel: Feel the breeze flowing through your window, or the stillness of the air. Grab and hold on to positive energy. Meditation helps relieve stress, blood pressure, anxiety, and negative energy. Reinforcing that positive energy will take a huge amount of stress off of your body.
  • Decompress: Whether you take ten or twenty minutes to meditate, always come back to reality as slow as possible. Don’t rush back into the hustle and bustle of your day, continue to decompress until you feel at peace and slowly open yourself back up to your surroundings. Take one more deep breath before opening your eyes and sit for one more minute before taking on the rest of your day.


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Jennifer Hostetter

Co-Chair, Health & Wellness Committee

Brian Karpf

Co-Chair, Health & Wellness Committee