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Health & Wellness

Consume Fruits and Veggies Daily

Consuming fruits and veggies daily have many health and nutritional benefits. It may reduce the risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke, and it may also lower blood pressure. Fruits and veggies are also an important source of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber. So why not aim to include fruits and veggies in as many meals throughout the day as possible. Here are some ideas to help increase your consumption.

  1. Leave fruits and vegetables on the counter or in plain sight. They will be easily accessible as you’re walking out the door. Further, you will see them first and should be encouraged to eat them instead of the chips in the pantry.
  2. Make it convenient. When you get home from the grocery store, prep all of the fruits/veggies you purchased instead of cutting/dicing/chopping every time you go to eat it. For example, slice bell peppers store them in easy grab and go containers. If that sounds like too much time still, you can also buy pre-cut fresh fruit and vegetables at the grocery store.
  3. Try to eat fruits/veggies that are in season or that you can buy from your local farmer’s market. If you’re getting tired of eating the same things, try experimenting with one new fruit/veggie each week. Or try eating the fruit/veggie in a new recipe. For example, homemade fruit popsicles or frozen grapes are a refreshing treat in the summer! Don’t forget, you can also drink your fruit and veggies. Smoothies aren’t just made with fruit! Adding vegetables, such as spinach or kale, to your smoothie is an easy and sneaky way to consume more veggies. 
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Jennifer Hostetter

Co-Chair, Health & Wellness Committee

Brian Karpf

Co-Chair, Health & Wellness Committee