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January 31, 2019

Drink Up!

In December, we recommended twelve (12) monthly habits to help you reach an overall health and wellness resolution. This month, we suggested that you consciously drink more water. It is important to determine how much water you should consumer daily. Drinking the right amount of water has several benefits such as eliminating toxins from your body, hydrating your skin, and it can relieve fatigue. Here are a few tips to help you drink more water this month:

  • Invest in a good (& fun) water bottle that you can easily carry around with you.  If you’re looking to invest in a fun water bottle, consider the Hidrate Spark 2.0. It tracks your intake and the bottle lights up to remind you to sip!
  • Drink a glass of water before every meal.
  • If you’re struggling to drink plain water all day, infuse your water with fruits or vegetables. You can also use certain types of essential oils or flavored ice cubes if you don’t have any fruit or veggies on hand.
  • Set an alarm to remind you to drink water at certain times throughout the day.
  • Download an app to remind you or keep track of how much you’ve consumed. Some apps to consider are WaterMinder, My Water Balance, and Drink Water Reminder.
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Jennifer Hostetter

Co-Chair, Health & Wellness Committee