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Tribute Gifts

You can make a gift in your own name or in honor of another person. If you are recognizing someone with your donation, the individual who you make your gift in tribute to will receive a letter from the ABA, letting them know about your generous contribution.

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Scholarships and Stipends

Stipends support young lawyers, local, state, federal, and tribal government lawyers, academics, and others who need financial assistance to attend a SEER educational offering.

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Public Service Projects

SEER partners with non-profits across the U.S. to organize public service projects each year. Recent projects have included environmental justice community landscape projects, trash clean-ups, and park maintenance events.

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Carbon Offsets

SEER purchases carbon offsets to help reduce the carbon footprint of programs. To offset carbon generated by your participation in a conference, we recommend contributing $20, offsetting approximately 1 metric ton of carbon emissions.

Tax Information

The charitable public service and educational programs of the American Bar Association receive funding through the ABA Fund for Justice and Education (ABA/FJE). The ABA/FJE was created to accept gifts and grants to support the ABA’s public service work. The ABA/FJE qualifies as an exempt fund under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and all contributions to the ABA/FJE are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. (Tax ID# 36-6110299)

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