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The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer

The Entertainment and Sports Lawyer is directed at lawyers who devote a major portion of their practice to entertainment, sports, arts, intellectual property law, and other related areas. It endeavors to provide current, practical information as well as public policy and scholarly viewpoints that it believes to be of professional and academic interest to Forum members and other readers.

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Author Guidelines

The Forum on Entertainment and Sports Industries invites you to submit an article for the Entertainment and Sports Lawyer.

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Book Publishing

Anyone, regardless of length of membership or years of practice, is encouraged to submit book or webinar proposals for the Forum's book publishing and webinar programs.

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Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law

The semi-annual Journal of International Media & Entertainment Law provides a forum for exploring the complex and unsettled legal principles that apply to the international distribution of media and entertainment. The legal issues surrounding the creation and distribution of news and entertainment products on a worldwide basis necessarily implicate the laws, customs, and practices of multiple jurisdictions. The Journal examines the impact of the Internet and other technologies, the often-conflicting laws affecting media and entertainment issues, and the legal ramifications of widely divergent cultural views of privacy, defamation, intellectual property, and government regulation.

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