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Why This Project?

Myths and biases against members of the LGBTQI+ community can lead to systemic discrimination. Law enforcement may not have resources for an LGBTQI+ victim who calls for assistance or prosecutors may be challenged in how to prove a criminal case against an LGBTQI+ perpetrator in a same-sex relationship before a jury. Family Courts may not have established protocols for all victims looking to file for a civil protective order. Legal service providers may need to develop intake infrastructures that are accessible for LGBTQI+ victims. These factors-- among many others-- prevent LGBTQI+ victims from seeking and obtaining protection under the law.

Resource Guide for Coalitions: Navigating Anti-Trans Rhetoric & Discrimination as Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault & Dual Coalitions

This Guide discusses the effects that anti-transgender laws have on transgender and nonbinary survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking and how coalitions can build their own capacity to navigate these laws, while they support member organizations in navigating them.

Download - Here

Prosecutor Guide to Jury Selection in Cases with LGBTQ+ Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Assault, and Stalking

This Guide is designed to support prosecutors in drafting jury selection questions and related motions in limine to help you address anti-LGBTQ+ bias among potential jurors.

Download - Here

Prosecutor Guide to Best Practices in Cases with LGBTQ+ Victims of Domestic Violence, Sexual Violence, and Stalking

This Guide provides introductory information and best practices for prosecutors working on cases involving LGBTQ+ victims of intimate partner violence, sexual assault, and stalking.

Download - Here

LGBTQI+ Dating Violence: Emerging Legal & Practice Issues for Young Survivors

This program provided an overview for attorneys and legal advocates working with LGBTQI+ teen survivors of dating violence.

View - Recording

Apply to Join LGBTQ Listserv

The Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence hosts this monitored, litigators-only listserv to provide a forum for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and/or Transgender, and/or Queer (LGBTQ) victims’ attorneys to discuss issues that arise in the process of litigation, and to provide peer-to-peer assistance and mentorship.

Sign Up - HERE

Request Technical Assistance

Contact the Commission on Domestic & Sexual Violence for technical assistance regarding the LGBTQI Legal Access Project's resources

Request - HERE