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March 25, 2020 CWP News

“Men in the Mix Project” Preliminary Results Released

The Commission on Women in the Profession’s program Men in the Mix: How to Engage Men on Issues Related to Gender in the Profession took place at the ABA Midyear Meeting in Austin, Texas, in February.

Anne Collier of Arudia presented the preliminary findings from the Men in the Mix focus groups that were conducted throughout 2019, indicating why some men do not participate in activities that would support equality for their female colleagues. Interestingly, the most-often-cited reason men do not advocate for women lawyers or attend affinity group events was simply because they are not personally invited or asked to do so.

Katherine Larkin-Wong, CWP commissioner and associate at Latham & Watkins LLP, moderated the panel, which included Evan Anderson, CEO, Placed Legal Career Strategies; Chris Brown, chair-elect, ABA Young Lawyers Division; Paulette Brown, senior partner and chief diversity and inclusion officer, Locke Lord LLP; and the Honorable Rodolfo A. Ruiz II, U.S. district judge, U.S. District Court, Southern District of Florida.

At the program, the panel had a robust discussion about many facets of the gender equity topic, such as what women look for when they enter the lateral market, generational differences in how millennial men relate to their female colleagues versus baby boomers or Generation Xers, the unique challenges faced by women of color in the profession, and how judges can influence those who argue before them so women lawyers have more opportunities.

The event was video recorded and covered by ABA News; at the time of the writing of this report, they indicated that the link to the footage will be available soon. Approximately 70 people attended the program, which carried CLE credit.

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