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April 03, 2019

Resolution 110 - Miranda

The ABA Hispanic Commission invites the public to comment on the Spanish translation of Miranda. Comments as to the translation itself are welcome.  Comments will be received during a 30 day period and may be sent to: [email protected]

Miranda Warning

[Source text]

1.      You have the right to remain silent.
2.      Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
3.      You have the right to an attorney during questioning.
4.      If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed* for you.

[Translated text]

1.      Tiene derecho a permanecer callado.
2.      Todo lo que diga podrá y será utilizado en su contra en corte.
3.      Tiene derecho a tener un abogado presente cuando se le hagan preguntas.
4.      Si no puede pagar por un abogado, se le proverá uno sin costo alguno.

*The term “appointed” implies “at no cost”, an implication not present in the basic Spanish translation hence, the need to expand the Spanish translation.

Resolution 110: An accurate translation of the Miranda warning in Spanish. The House of Delegates unanimously adopted language geared to standardize a Spanish-language Miranda warning, estimated to be needed nearly 900,000 times per year. The resolution urges federal, state, local and territorial law-enforcement authorities to provide an accurate translation of the warning in Spanish. Fifty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court declared in the historic case of Miranda v. Arizona that whenever a person is taken into police custody, he or she must be told of the Fifth Amendment right not to make any self-incriminating statements before being interrogated (110).

Download a copy of the entire Resolution 110