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The Innovator | Summer 2021

Volume 5 Issue 2   August 2021

In this issue

The Innovator

The Innovator is published twice a year by the Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity in the Profession, 321 North Clark Street, 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60654-7598. The opinions expressed in the articles presented in The Innovator are those of the authors and shall not be construed to represent the policies of the American Bar Association or the Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity in the Profession.

Editor's Note

The Innovator is accepting, on an ongoing basis, submissions to be considered for publication. Articles should be from 500 to 1500 words and address items of interest to racial and ethnic minority lawyers and/or individuals and organizations seeking to promote racial and ethnic diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. Topics may encompass recent events, case decisions, diversity and inclusion news, emerging trends, or other general topics of interest. Please send submissions or inquiries to Keevin Woods, [email protected] 

—Keevin Woods 
Staff Director, Commission on Racial & Ethnic Diversity in the Profession