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June 28, 2023

Message from the Committee Chairs

Ellie Vilendrer and Mary Cullen


To make EDR as universally understood, as widely accepted, as widely applied, and as developed in scholarship as mediation.

The Early Dispute Resolution Committee, now in its 5th year, is thriving! Bi-monthly presentations from pre-eminent practitioners from around the globe have been energizing our rapidly growing base of members. We are meanwhile honing in on an important goal of our committee: making impactful and widespread change.

Last October, the EDR and Mediation Committees co-sponsored a very successful Mediation Week, which focused on early mediation. We have also been diligently working to pass an ABA Resolution urging the increased use of EDR. Concurrently, Ellie Vilendrer is pitching two EDR related legislations in California—one that aims to expand mediation and another requiring a settlement discussion at the early stages of a lawsuit.

Thank you for your continued engagement, enthusiasm, and support as we normalize Early Dispute Resolution within the framework of our legal system. While our work is not done, we are encouraged by our tremendous progress and stand more resolute than ever to make Early Dispute Resolution the standard amongst our peers.

Please enjoy the articles in this month’s issue which demonstrate the exciting movement of EDR from idea to implementation.


Ellie Vilendrer and Mary Cullen, EDR Committee Co-Chairs

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