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August 06, 2019

Ombuds Day 2019 in Washington DC

This event took place on October 10, 2019


Ombuds—also known as ombudspersons, ombudsman, ombudsmen—are confidential, impartial, and independent conflict management professionals who work to informally to address individual and systemic issues outside of and complementary to formal channels such as litigation, grievances, complaints, and more.  In 2017, the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution declared the second Thursday of October as Ombuds Day. Ombuds Day is an annual day of recognition of the value ombuds provide to the institutions and stakeholders they serve. The day also serves to help increase awareness and understanding about this relatively unknown field.  The theme for this year is “Ombuds: Unusual Name. Important Service.”  Ombuds Day and an event celebrating ombuds in Washington DC is scheduled for October 10, 2019.

Event Details

  • WHEN: October 10, 2019, from 5:30 to 7:30 PM ET
  • WHERE: American Bar Association 1050 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC 20036
  • WHO: Target audience includes individuals that are
    • Currently serving as an ombuds or with related responsibilities (e.g. conflict resolution, mediation, alternative dispute resolution)
    • Considering a professional role as an ombuds or with related responsibilities
    • Considering establishing an ombuds program as part of their organization or curious about the importance of ombuds
  • WHAT: Opportunity to meet with professionals that are working in, considering working in, or curious about ombuds-related roles and services including representatives of professional organizations including International Ombudsman AssociationUnited States Ombudsman Association, and Coalition Of Federal Ombudsman

Event Agenda

Part 1 - Welcome Reception

Part 2 - Keynote Presentation by Chuck Howard

Part 3 - Facilitated, engaging small group discussions aligned with this year’s theme, “Ombuds: Unusual Name. Important Service.” with a focus on the benefits and value that ombuds can provide in resolving conflicts and supporting organizations based on real, composite-anonymized stories about the importance of ombuds services with all participants listening and sharing their perspectives with the group

Part 4 – Wrap Up and Conclusion

Keynote Speaker Bio

As of September 1, 2019, Chuck Howard became the first ever Executive Director of the International Ombudsman Association.  Chuck is a former Partner and the General Counsel of Shipman & Goodwin LLP. He has represented ombudsman offices at major corporations, universities, and other organizations for almost thirty years. Mr. Howard is the author of The Organizational Ombudsman: Origins, Roles, and Operations - A Legal Guide. From 2013 to 2018, he chaired or co-chaired the Dispute Resolution Section Ombuds Committee and was active in other roles for that section. Chuck was a civil practice litigator for forty-four years and is included in Best Lawyers in America® and recognized as a “Connecticut Super Lawyer®.” He was recently honored with a Lifetime Achievement award by the Connecticut Law Tribune.  He graduated from the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs at Princeton University and from the University of Virginia School of Law.


  • American Bar Association
  • International Ombudsman Association