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Donate to Provide Legal Services

Your charitable gift to the ABA Commission on Immigration helps ensure that migrant parents, children, and adults do not face the immigration system alone.

More than 20,000 unaccompanied minors are expected to be served this year.

“Karla,” a 16-year-old girl from El Salvador, sought refuge in the U.S. after being abandoned by her father and threatened with rape and murder by MS-13 gang members. This traumatizing experience is not uncommon among children fleeing gang violence and government corruption in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras. Through a grant from J.K Rowling’s Lumos Foundation, ProBAR now provides social services to address emotional struggles, in addition to the combination of legal information sessions, in-depth screenings, and direct representation.

Everyone deserves justice - DONATE

South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR)

The South Texas Pro Bono Asylum Representation Project (ProBAR) empowers immigrants through high-quality legal education, representation, and connections to services. ProBAR serves immigrants in the Rio Grande Valley border region with a particular focus on the legal needs of adults and unaccompanied children in federal custody.

Learn More - ProBAR

“Without the help of the ABA, I would have been deported. I would not have my son back.”

For Rafael, a former IJP client, effective representation meant he was reunited with his two-year-old son. Immigrants and asylum-seekers often possess few financial resources and confront language and cultural differences that pose significant barriers to effective self-representation. The IJP staff leverages thousands of hours of urgently needed pro bono legal services to serve more than 4,000 detained and non-detained individuals. Not only does IJP increase access to counsel for immigrants and asylum-seekers, but improves the efficiency of judicial system – saving tax payer dollars.

Everyone deserves justice - DONATE

Immigration Justice Project (IJP)

The Immigration Justice Project (IJP) of San Diego seeks to promote due process and access to justice for indigent immigrants and asylum-seekers through the provision of high-quality pro bono legal services for individuals appearing before the San Diego immigration court and in subsequent appeals as needed.

Learn More - IJP

"CILA has become an indispensable resource for RAICES and other legal service providers."

In late 2015, when thousands of children fled the violence of Central America and crossed the U.S. border, CILA stepped in with a vision to empower those advocates with the tools needed to guide children through complex legal territory. According to Ashley Walker, former RAICES attorney, "the legal landscape with respect to this population is constantly in flux; new challenges and opportunities demand fast and nimble responses…. Having an outside resource focus exclusively on training and technical case assistance is more valuable than ever." Today, nearly 3,000 attorneys and legal service staff are trained annually.

Everyone deserves justice - DONATE

Children's Immigration Law Academy (CILA)

The Children’s Immigration Law Academy (CILA), is an expert legal resource center created by the American Bar Association (ABA). CILA builds capacity for those working to advance the rights of children seeking protection through training, technical assistance, and collaboration.

Learn More - CILA

Donate to the Commission on Immigration

Your gift will help us continue our work ensuring due process rights for the migrant community. Thank you.