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December 09, 2022 RAPID RESPONSE

What to Expect for Immigration from the 118th Congress: A Bipartisan Conversation with Former Congressional Staffers

After two years of Democratic control of both the legislative and executive branches, the country is moving towards a divided government as the Republicans have regained control of the U.S. House of Representatives. House Republicans have promised to increase immigration oversight and possibly pursue the impeachment of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. But even as immigration issues become an increasingly visible flashpoint, is it possible to pass any meaningful immigration legislation in the 118th Congress? Or will immigration be used as a wedge issue between both political parties? Join former House staff for Speaker Paul Ryan and Committee on House Administration Chairwoman Zoe Lofgren for a discussion on what we might expect.



  • Greg Chen, Senior Director of Government Relations, American Immigration Lawyers Association

Joint Sponsor: ABA Commission on Immigration

Co-Sponsor: ABA Litigation Section


  • The Evacuate Our Allies Coalition leads the national push for an Afghan Adjustment Act (AAA) for evacuees and those brought to the U.S. through the evacuation and continuing relocation flights to the United States.
  • The bipartisan bill was introduced in the House (HR 8685) and the Senate (S.4787) on August 10, 2022 and currently has 7 co-sponsors in the Senate and 143 in the House.
  • The bill leads are seeking to have it included in the FY23 appropriations bill, which is currently slated for passage by Dec. 23, 2022.
  • Up-to-date information about the bill status can be found on and advocates can plug-in/follow the advocacy campaign at EOA’s Twitter @EvacOurAllies

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