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2022 CRSJ Midyear Meeting

Virtual | February 2-4




The Section held its 2022 Midyear Meeting virtually on February 2-4. During the second meeting of the 2021-22 Bar Year, Section Chair Beth K. Whittenbury provided an update on the Section's continued role in responding to key civil rights and social justice issues and shared her plans for the remainder of the Bar Year, including the 2022 Spring Council Meeting in San Pedro, CA, and the 2022 Thurgood Marshall Award Celebration.

Membership, Diversity and Inclusion Council Committee Meeting

The Section's Council is a working board. Half of the Council serves on the Membership, Diversity and Inclusion Council Committee. During this meeting, members discussed membership recruitment and retention efforts, in addition to updates to the Section's diversity plan.

Development and Fundraising Council Committee Meeting

The other half of the Section's Council serves on the Development and Fundraising Council Committee. Members discussed the status of fundraising efforts for the 2022 Thurgood Marshall Award Celebration, support from past Section chairs, the Section's Program Support Fund, and sustaining support for the Section's work. 

Race, Reform & Retrenchment Revisited: Can States Ban Learning About Our Full History?

The Section has partnered with the African American Policy Forum to present a four-part webinar series on Critical Race Theory, held in conjunction with the Section's quarterly meetings. The second installment examined how throughout our country’s struggle to reckon with its racial legacies, one powerful faction continually recasts racial justice as a form of racial discrimination.

Pre-Meeting Welcome

Section members and staff gathered to welcome one another before the start of the first day of the Section Council Meeting.

Section Council Meeting - Day 1

During the first day of the Council meeting, Section Chair Beth K. Whittenbury reported on the progress of her initiatives for the 2021-22 Bar Year, including: the Civil Rights Civics Institute; One Section, One Book; Critical Race Theory Webinar Series; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series; Policy Implementation Initiative; Past Chairs Advisory Group; and the Publications Board. Section leaders and staff provided updates on the Section's finances, fundraising, and plans for the 2022-23 Bar Year. The Council also voted on resolutions to be presented during the 2022 ABA Midyear Meeting.

Father Robert F. Drinan Award Reception - Honoring Jerry Gardner

The Section honored long-time Section leader and current Special Counsel Jerry Gardner with the Father Robert F. Drinan Award for Distinguished Service during a virtual reception attended by Section members, staff, and Jerry's colleagues, friends, and family. 

Section Council Meeting - Day 2

On the final day of the Council meeting, Section leaders and staff reported on the ABA's transition to ABA Communities as well as Section membership efforts. Members participated in a training on microaggressions and the legal profession, facilitated by Melissa A. Little. Committee leaders provided reports on their progress for the 2021-22 Bar Year and liaisons reported on the work of their respective entities. Section members participated in breakout sessions to collaborate with Section Delegates on resolutions and future resolution development; discuss the Policy Implementation Initiative; answer remaining student questions for the Civil Rights Civics Institute; and discuss joint Committee projects. At the conclusion of the final day of the Council meeting, several members of the Section's Nominating Committee discussed the nominating process and answered questions from members.

See Past Section Meetings