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Racial Equity in the Justice System

Central clearinghouse of ABA-related information and resources for attorneys, the legal profession and the public on a wealth of issues addressing bias, racism and prejudice in the justice system and society.

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ABA Resources on Disaster Response and Preparedness

To educate lawyers, bar associations and the justice system to help them prepare for and respond to disasters

The JustPod: CJS Podcast

A podcast for the ABA Criminal Justice Section featuring current issues in criminal justice reform and policy.

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ABA Resources on Criminal Law

ABA-wide news, events, publications on criminal law

The Second Step: The First Step Act - A Path for State Criminal Justice Reform

Diversity Fellow Hon. Tracie Todd serves as program chair and moderator of webinar, “The Second Step: The First Step Act - A Path for State Criminal Justice Reform “


The State of Criminal Justice

This annual CJS publication examines and reports on the major issues, trends and significant changes in the criminal justice system.

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Atrocity Crimes Initiative

Working with the ABA Center for Human Rights to prevent genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, and to ensure perpetrators are held accountable.

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Criminal Justice Standards

For fifty years, the ABA Criminal Justice Standards have guided policymakers and practitioners working in the criminal justice arena.

CJS Video Resources

View video recordings from recent CJS programs.

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