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Spring 2017

Volume X Issue 1   May 2017

Volunteer Success Stories

Supreme Court News

Civil Rights & Constitution

Supreme Court Overturns Death Sentence Based on “Expert” Opinion that Black People Pose Greater Danger

In October 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments in Buck v. Davis, a Texas case in which defense counsel’s own expert testified that capital defendant Duane Buck was more likely to constitute a “future danger” because of his race. The odious racial assertions made during Mr. Buck’s trial captured national attention, and caused many to ask whether Mr. Buck was sentenced to death because he is black.

Death Penalty News

Appellate Practice

Alabama Considers Unitary System for Appealing Death Sentences

The Alabama legislature is considering whether to enact the Fair Justice Act (“FJA”), which would require the trial court to appoint post-conviction counsel within 30 days of a defendant’s death sentence, to proceed concurrently with the defendant’s direct appeal review. The legislation’s generic qualifications for post-conviction counsel do not meet the standards provided by the ABA Guidelines, which are intended to be the minimum requirements for capital counsel.

Events & Training

About Project Press

Project Press is the newsletter of the ABA Death Penalty Representation Project. Each issue contains news about the Project, clients in need of pro bono assistance, death penalty cases and opinions, training opportunities, and much more!