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University of Connecticut School of Law

University of Connecticut School of Law
55 Elizabeth Street
Hartford, CT 06105

Law School Pro Bono Programs

Contact Information

Rachel Reeves
Asst. Clinical Prof. of Law; Director of Field Placement and Pro Bono Programs
[email protected]

Category Type

Formal Voluntary Pro Bono Program Characterized by a Referral System with Coordinator(s)

Description of Programs

The UConn School of Law has a longstanding commitment to serving the community and training lawyers who will make pro bono service and work in the public interest an integral part of their careers. UConn School of Law established the Pro Bono Pledge Program in 2009 to encourage and recognize law student participation in pro bono activities and community service projects for which no academic credit or compensation is received. Students can become involved in pro bono projects as early as their first year of law school. The School of Law provides numerous opportunities for students to provide vitally needed services and perform work in the public interest while at the same time honing their legal skills and deepening their understanding of law and legal institutions.

Location of Programs

With the clinical/externship program.


The Director of Field Placements supervises pro bono along with other job duties.


The Pro Bono Program is funded through a Law School's Operating Budget.

Faculty and Administrative Pro Bono

The Law School formally adopted a statement of faculty responsibilities in December 2001. It contains the following provision:

"The School prepares its students for a profession with substantial obligations of community service. Accordingly, faculty members are encouraged to participate as fully as their teaching and scholarly obligations permit in the work of bar association, other professional groups such as the American Law Institute and learned societies in their fields of specialization. In addition, faculty members are encouraged to lead by example in projects that help meet the unmet legal needs of the community."

All student organizations and pro bono group projects have faculty sponsors/supervisors.


Students receive recognition certificates for outstanding service based on number of hours worked in pro bono projects. The Law School also recognizes student commitment to public service through individual awards at graduation.

Alternative Winter or Spring Break Projects


Law School Public Interest Programs

Contact Information

Suzanne Hard
Director, Center for Career Development
[email protected]
(860) 570-5318

Certificate/Curriculum Programs


Public Interest Centers


PI Career Support Center

The Office of Career Services, as home to the Law School's Public Interest Resource Center, provides assistance to students seeking a career in public interest/public service. While the entire counseling staff is equipped to help public interest minded students, the Assistant Director serves as the primary contact for such students.

Loan Repayment Assistance Programs (LRAP)

