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    Mindful Moderation: Navigating Gray Area Drinking [CC]

    1 PM EDT

    Join us for this insightful webinar where we will delve into the concept of Gray Area Drinking (GAD), how to identify if a lawyer is a gray area drinker, the potential impact on a lawyer's life, and ways to redefine your relationship with alcohol using curiosity and compassion. We'll also discuss the ethical implications of alcohol consumption for lawyers, examining the alcohol use spectrum and where GAD fits in.

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    Feeling a little anxious? Need to unwind after a long day? You might reach for a glass of wine, then maybe another, and perhaps one more. But is this behavior really as harmless as it seems? Many believe their drinking habits are within the "acceptable" range, but you could be treading into riskier territory than you realize. Gray Area Drinking (GAD) represents that murky space between social and problematic drinking, and slipping into GAD is easier than you might think.

    The Senior Lawyers Division is pleased to present Mindful Moderation: Navigating Gray Area Drinking.

    During this program we will seek to:

    • Explore the alcohol use spectrum and identify where gray area drinking falls.
    • Distinguish between gray area drinking, problematic drinking, and severe alcohol use disorders.
    • Gain specific tools to evaluate attorneys' alcohol consumption and determine if you are a gray area drinker.
    • Understand the ethical implications of extensive alcohol consumption for lawyers.

    We will also be considering GAD and the alcohol consumption spectrum as they relate with the Model Rules of Professional Conduct, particularly Rules 1.1 (Competence), 1.3 (Diligence), 1.4 (Communication), 1.16 (Withdrawal & Termination), and 5.1 & 5.3 (Supervisory Responsibilities).


    • Tracy L. Kepler, Director of Risk Control Consulting at CNA Insurance


    • Alyssa Johnson, Alyssa Johnson LLC
    • Wendy McCallum, Wendy McCallum Coaching

    Don't miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights and practical tools to navigate the gray areas of alcohol consumption in the legal profession.

    Event Details






    Oct 07, 2024

    2024-10-07T13:00:00-04:00 2024-10-07T14:00:00-04:00 Mindful Moderation: Navigating Gray Area Drinking [CC]

    Join us for this insightful webinar where we will delve into the concept of Gray Area Drinking (GAD), how to identify if a lawyer is a gray area drinker, the potential impact on a lawyer's life, and ways to redefine your relationship with alcohol using curiosity and compassion. We'll also discuss the ethical implications of alcohol consumption for lawyers, examining the alcohol use spectrum and where GAD fits in.




    MCLE Information

    The ABA will seek 1.00 Substance Use Disorder Prevention CLE credit hours in 60-minute states, and 1.20 Substance Use Disorder Prevention CLE credit hours in 50-minute states. Credit hours are estimated and are subject to each state’s approval and credit rounding rules.

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    Deaf/Hard of Hearing Attendees

    CART (Communication Access Realtime Translation) service provides instant accessibility for the deaf and hard of hearing by delivering the spoken word as a realtime stream of text. CART service for this program is firewall-friendly and works in almost any network environment with Internet access, and is compatible with all major web browsers.

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