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    New Office Communication Rules to Foster Openness

    2 PM EDT

    Join us for a dynamic session on the impact of communication on law firm culture and performance. Discover practical strategies for fostering effective communication in both traditional and hybrid environments. Learn to promote inclusion, navigate biases, and use clear communication to mitigate conflicts. Enhance relationships within your firm and with clients, and unlock your firm's full potential for success.

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    Women Rainmakers - New Rules of Office Communication: Fostering Openness, Inclusion & Civility

    This will be an insightful webinar tailored specifically for professionals seeking to enhance communication practices within both hybrid and traditional work environments. Communication practices serve as the lifeblood of law firm culture, shaping its values, norms, and dynamics.

    Culture reinforces growth strategies and boosts firm success. In a world dealing with new office structures, AI technology, the changing nature of work, and new employee values, persuasive communication becomes more important than ever. 

    Join us for a dynamic session addressing critical questions surrounding the impact of communication on law firm culture and performance. 

    Learning Objectives:

    • Gain practical strategies for fostering effective communication in both traditional and hybrid law firm environments.
    • Effectively promote inclusion and navigate race, gender and age biases in the workplace.
    • Use clear and transparent communication practices to mitigate workplace conflicts, and enhance relationships within the firm and with clients.

    The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for participating.

    Event Details






    Jun 26, 2024

    2024-06-26T14:00:00-04:00 2024-06-26T15:00:00-04:00 New Office Communication Rules to Foster Openness

    Join us for a dynamic session on the impact of communication on law firm culture and performance. Discover practical strategies for fostering effective communication in both traditional and hybrid environments. Learn to promote inclusion, navigate biases, and use clear communication to mitigate conflicts. Enhance relationships within your firm and with clients, and unlock your firm's full potential for success.


    Keisha Stokes-Hough

    Southern Poverty Law Center

    Susan White

    Letterman White Consulting


    ABA Women Rainmakers


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