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    Fall 2024 National Legal Malpractice Conference

    8 AM PDT

    The premier fall event for legal liability, malpractice, and insurance professionals. Your peers and colleagues from across the nation will gather to explore the transformation of the legal liability field and how the changes impact our lawyers.  The dynamic lineup of nationally-renowned speakers will discuss the latest developments and disruptions we're facing, and you'll leave with a toolbox of strategies for tackling your most difficult obstacles. Plus, experience the power of our network and
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    The premier fall event for legal liability, malpractice, and insurance professionals. Your peers and colleagues from across the nation will gather to explore the transformation of the legal liability field and how the changes impact our lawyers.  The dynamic lineup of nationally-renowned speakers will discuss the latest developments and disruptions we're facing, and you'll leave with a toolbox of strategies for tackling your most difficult obstacles. Plus, experience the power of our network and expand your connections during the Welcome Reception/Networking opportunity.

    Event Details




    Sep 18 - 20, 2024

    2024-09-18T08:00:00-07:00 2024-09-20T17:00:00-07:00 Fall 2024 National Legal Malpractice Conference The premier fall event for legal liability, malpractice, and insurance professionals. Your peers and colleagues from across the nation will gather to explore the transformation of the legal liability field and how the changes impact our lawyers.  The dynamic lineup of nationally-renowned speakers will discuss the latest developments and disruptions we're facing, and you'll leave with a toolbox of strategies for tackling your most difficult obstacles. Plus, experience the power of our network and


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