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Texas CLE Requirements and Courses

Detailed jurisdiction information about MCLE regulations and general information accreditation of ABA CLE events, webinars, and on-demand CLE courses

CLE FAQ for Newly-Admitted Attorneys

Want to learn more about CLE generally, and explore CLE webinars and on-demand products specifically for newly-admitted attorneys?

Texas Newly-Admitted CLE Rules

Texas newly admitted attorneys must complete a 4-hour course entitled "The Guide to the Basics of Law Practice" within one year of licensure. This is an admission requirement and not an MCLE requirement, although attorneys may receive MCLE credit for completing the course. The course is administered through the Texas Center for Legal Ethics and Professionalism.

Texas General CLE Rules

  • Credit hours required: 15 hours per reporting period
  • Specialty credits required: 3 hours of ethics credit annually, by the last day of the month preceding their birth month
  • Length of reporting period: 1 year for attorneys licensed two years or more. Initial compliance period for newly licensed attorneys is two years. 
  • Compliance date: Last day of birth month
  • Reporting date: Last day of birth month
  • Compliance group: Varies by birth month. Attorneys must report annually.
  • Minutes per credit hour: 60 minutes. To calculate credit for a specific program, divide the total length of the program in minutes by 60 and round down to the nearest quarter hour.
  • Distance Learning Requirements: May take all credits with live webcast or previously recorded.
  • Attendance Reporting Procedure: The ABA reports attendance on behalf of attendees.

State Contact Information

State Bar of Texas, Minimum Continuing Legal Education, P.O. Box 13007, Austin, TX 78711-3007 | (800) 204-2222 x1806 / (512) 427-1806

A Note About MCLE Credit

The content on this page is for informational and educational purposes only. Each state has its own rules and regulations indicating what qualifies for CLE credit. Please contact your state MCLE regulatory entity for specific questions about your MCLE rules.