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    2021 Dispute Resolution Ombuds Day Event

    2021 Dispute Resolution Ombuds Day Event

    2021 Dispute Resolution Ombuds Day Event

    Conflict is inevitable. Ombuds/ombudsman can help you handle conflict effectively. Our Ombuds Day 2021 panelists discuss how ombuds/ombudsman provide a unique resource for addressing conflict—no matter the setting or type. Join us to recognize the fourth annual Ombuds Day on October 14, 2021 and learn more!

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    Ombuds/ombudsman are confidential, independent, and impartial conflict management professionals in federal, state, and local governments; public and private companies; long-term care and assisted living facilities; higher education, K-12 education; and a variety of other organizations. Their roles and services are relatively unknown compared to other forms of dispute resolution such as mediation, arbitration, and litigation.

    Ombuds help constituents navigate conflicts aiming to resolve matters at the lowest level possible. They also serve as a catalyst for change by highlighting significant, sensitive, and controversial issues or trends safely and confidentially, which others cannot or will not.

    Over the years, different types of ombuds models have emerged. Some work with constituents who are external to their organization, while others work with internal constituents such as employees or students. Some provide informal services while others investigate complaints or serve as advocates. While this versatility is beneficial, it creates confusion and misunderstanding about, and among, the profession.

    In 2018, the American Bar Association Section of Dispute Resolution declared the second Thursday of October Ombuds Day. The goal of this annual recognition is to increase awareness and improve the understanding of the ombuds profession.

    By attending this event, you will:

    • Appreciate the variety of conflicts that arise
    • Understand the role of ombuds in addressing those conflicts

    The content of this program does not meet requirements for continuing legal education (CLE) accreditation. You will not receive CLE credit for attending.

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